New / renovated - Viewing 27.7.2024

Klaavuntie 11

Puotila, 00910 Helsinki

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  • Apartment buildingCompletion 1.7.2024
  • Studios45 pcs26,538
    1 bedroom + k51 pcs4254,5
    2 bedrooms + k12 pcs57,568,5
    3 bedrooms + k5 pcs70,581
  • ViewingSat 27.7. at 11:45–12:15
    Tervetuloa esittelyyn klo 11.45. Tapaaminen A portaan edessä.

Puotilan vanhan ostoskeskuksen tilalle rakentuu 113 uutta Lumo-kotia kesäkuussa 2024. Ylimmillään kahdeksaan kerrokseen kohoavaan taloon valmistuu asuntoja yksiöistä neliöihin. Jokaisessa rapussa on hieman erilaiset pintamateriaalit, joten koteja on valittavissa kolmessa eri sisustustyylissä. Talon kivijalkaan tulee liiketiloja, joten asuinkerrokset alkavat talon A ja B –rappujen kolmannesta kerroksesta. Tällä samalla tasolla sijaitsee myös suojaisa ja viihtyisä pihakansi. C-rapussa asunnot alkavat toisesta kerroksesta. B- ja C-rapun ylimmistä kerroksista löytyy asukkaiden yhteistila, kattoterassi, talosaunat ja pesula.

Sijainti on ihanteellinen lähipalveluiden näkökulmasta, sillä samaan osoitteeseen valmistuu monipuolisesti liiketiloja. Talon kivijalkaan tulee ruokakauppa, kioski ja useampi ravintola. Itäkeskuksen kattavat palvelut löytyvät myös kävelymatkan päästä. 

Puotila on kuin pieni kylä, jossa on lämmin ja rauhallinen tunnelma. Sijainti sopii hyvin lapsiperheille, sillä alueelta löytyy päiväkoteja ja peruskoulut. Lukiot löytyvät lähialueilta. Harrastusmahdollisuuksia on myös tarjolla monipuolisesti. Puotilan urheilukentällä voi pelata muun muassa koripalloa, jalkapalloa tai tennistä. Talvella paikalle jäädytetään suuri luistelukenttä. Lyhyen matkan päästä Myllypurosta löytyy hyvät sisäliikuntapaikat palloiluhalleineen ja kiipeilyseinineen. 

Ulkoiluun ja muuhun virkistäytymiseen löytyy myös mukavasti vaihtoehtoja. Myllypuron suuri liikuntapuisto, Rusthollarin leikkipuisto, koirapuisto ja viljelyspalsta-alue palvelevat alueen asukkaita. 1800-luvulta peräisin oleva tunnelmallinen Puotilan kartano toimii nykyisin ravintolana ja sen vierestä löytyy pieni Juorumäen metsäalue, joka on suosittu ulkoilureitti. Kartanon pihalla toimii kesäisin myös Puotilan kesäteatteri. Puotilan uimarannalta avautuu merelliset näkymät Vartiokylänlahdelle ja Vuosaareen. Rannan vierestä löytyy ulkokuntosali ja lentopallokenttä. Venesatamasta lähtee viehättävät kävelyreitit rantaa pitkin Herttoniemeen saakka. 

Julkiset liikenneyhteydet ovat myös erinomaiset. Puotilan metroasemalle on kohteesta vain noin 300 metrin matka. Helsingin keskustaan pääsee metrolla reilussa vartissa ja Itäkeskukseen parissa minuutissa. Itäväylää pitkin kulkee myös useita bussilinjoja eri puolille pääkaupunkiseutua. Omalla autolla liikkuminen sujuu myös kätevästi, sillä kohteessa on varattavissa autopaikkoja asukkaiden käyttöön.

Näissä Lumo-kodeissa vuokran hintaan sisältyy nopea 50 Mbit/s laajakaista ja kaikenkarvaiset lemmikit ovat aina lämpimästi tervetulleita asukkaiksi.

Tutustu tarkemmin Klaavuntie 11 vuokra-asuntoihin:

Lumo-asukkaana saat enemmän

Lumo-vuokrakodit tarjoavat turvallista ja ympäristöystävällistä asumista sekä parhaat asumisen palvelut.

Saat Lumo-palvelut ja Lumo-asukkaan edut käyttöösi My Lumo -palvelun kautta. Tutustu tarkemmin:

  • Building type
    Apartment building
  • Completion
  • Energy rating
  • Asset-limited
  • Elevator
  • Antenna system
    Cable TV (DVB-C): DNA
  • Broadband
    DNA 50 Mbit/s
  • Non-smoking house
    This is a non-smoking building. Smoking is forbidden inside the apartment, on the balcony, and in the common areas of the house.
  • Parking spaces
  • Shared facilities of the house
    Bicycle storage, club room, shared sauna, drying room, storage cages, air-raid shelter

By clicking on the service icon below the map, you can see where the services are located on the map. Information is based on data provided by Profinder. Distances to services are measured on the map using straight line distances.


Puotila is a park-like residential area in East Helsinki. It is one of Helsinki's oldest suburbs, which has gained popularity in recent years. The overall appearance of the residential area represents the 1950s.

Puotila is close to a variety of services

In Puotila and the surrounding area, there are primary and secondary schools and daycare centers. One of Puotila's most well-known buildings is Puotila Manor, which houses a restaurant and provides space for cultural events. Around the manor, there is the Juorumäki cultivation plot area. For families with children, Puotila offers playgrounds, and there is a dog park for dog owners. In the summer, Puotila's mini golf course, nearby boat clubs, and seaside cafes entertain those visiting or living in the area.

The adjacent district to Puotila, Itäkeskus, offers diverse services. Right next to Puotila metro station, there is Prisma Itäkeskus. The Easton shopping center is on the west side of Puotila, across from Meripellontie. In addition to grocery stores, the nearby Itis shopping center includes numerous stores, restaurants, and even a cinema. The Itäkeskus area also features a swimming hall, library, and the cultural center Stoa.

Thanks to its own metro station, Puotila has excellent transportation connections, with a journey to the center of Helsinki taking just over fifteen minutes. Furthermore, several bus lines run along Itäväylä. Residents who drive can easily access the Ring road I and Itäväylä, providing convenient travel throughout the metropolitan area.

Maritime outdoor routes are nearby

Puotila offers beautiful sea views nearby. Puotila Beach provides stunning views of Vartiokylänlahti and Vuosaari. Adjacent to the beach, there is also an outdoor sports facility. Crossing Raittisilta bridge takes you to jogging trails on the Vuosaari side. Puotila has a starting point for cross-country ski trails leading to the Mustavuori nature reserve in snowy winters.

Lumo homes has a wide age of rental apartments in Helsinki. If you are interested in rental apartments in Puotila, check out the nearby rental apartments in Itäkeskus, rental apartments in Vartiokylä, rental apartments in Myllypuro, and rental apartments in Vuosaari.


Comfortable rental homes in Helsinki

Helsinki is a beautiful and lively residential city. Modern Helsinki, the capital of Finland, plays a key role in Finland's business and economy, which is why there are many jobs in Helsinki. Helsinki is an international, open and secure European capital with a good location on the Baltic Sea.

Helsinki has been awarded the World Design Capital Award in 2012 and UNESCO's City of Design in 2014. Around the world, Helsinki is known for its innovation, high-tech achievements, seaworthiness, architecture, cleanliness and security. The Cathedral, the Market Square and Suomenlinna are some of the city's most famous sights.

Helsinki for new residents - here's what to know before moving to Helsinki

Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is home to almost 700 000 people. Although Helsinki is densely built up, it also has plenty of space for nature. The city has around 8 500 hectares of green spaces and a staggering 60 nature reserves. So there's no need to give up being close to nature when you move to Helsinki.

Helsinki is divided into 59 districts, almost all of which have a Lumo home. Officially, the city is divided into 8 major districts, but in everyday life the city is usually divided into four air directions. There is South Helsinki, East Helsinki, West Helsinki and North Helsinki. Each district has something special to offer its residents, so it should be easy to find your favourite.

South Helsinki is, of course, the city centre. Every Helsinki resident has his or her own opinion about where the boundary of Helsinki city centre lies. But if you want to divide the city into four, you could draw the border of South Helsinki, say, from the north to Pasila, from the east to Sörnäinen and from the west to Lauttasaari. South Helsinki is characterised by a densely built environment, good public transport links and, of course, proximity to the sea. So if you fancy an evening stroll by the sea, take a look at Jätkäsaari rental apartments, Katajanokka rental apartments, Töölö rental apartments or Sörnäinen rental apartments.

One of the best things about East Helsinki is definitely the excellent transport connections. Two metro lines run to East Helsinki, which means that almost every area in East Helsinki has its own metro stop. With East Helsinki one has to mention the sea, as East Helsinki is largely made up of islands and islets. If you want to combine metro and seaside, you should take a look at Herttoniemi rental apartments, Roihuvuori rental apartments, Puotila rental apartments or Vuosaari rental apartments.

Western Helsinki is located in the vicinity of Espoo and Vantaa. It could be considered a kind of cross between Espoo and Helsinki. Construction is still quite dense, but the greenery is already starting to show in the residential areas. Public transport connections are good, but you can already get around sensibly by car. Basic services are available, but for the finer stone boutiques and fine dining restaurants you have to go downtown. So if you want to live close to the centre, but not in the hustle and bustle of the city centre, check out the rental apartments in Haaga, rental apartments in Pitäjänmäki, rental apartments in Konala or rental apartments in Kannelmäki.

In North Helsinki, construction is much looser and housing types are more varied. In the same neighbourhood you can have apartment buildings, terraced houses and detached houses. These neighbourhoods are often crossed by a railway line, which also allows for easy public transport, and where trains cannot go, buses can. If Helsinki is the right location for you, but you're looking for a quieter environment, check out Oulunkylä apartments for rent, Malmi apartments for rent, Tapanila apartments for rent and Tapulikaupunki apartments for rent.

Sea and nature

In Helsinki, the sea is everywhere, and the outdoor islands are open to every citizen. The islands are easily accessible by ferries and the sea beaches are at the guests' disposal. Nature is also close to downtown, and the 1000-hectare green park stretches from Töölönlahti to northern Helsinki. Each residential area in Helsinki has its own outdoor areas, so the natural ambience of the city is maintained throughout the summer and winter.

Good public transport and excellent services

Helsinki is a good place to live as the city offers its residents well-functioning public transport and good services that are easily accessible from all over Helsinki. For example, children's day care, schools and health centres are close to everyone.

Even if your own home is located further from the centre of Helsinki, the train, bus, metro or tram can be reached quickly. Urban planning has also invested in light traffic routes, so many Helsinki residents make their commute by bike.

Available rental apartments in Helsinki

From the selection of available rental apartments in Helsinki everyone can find a suitable home. Apartment living is a Helsinki-style way of living, but it is also possible to live in suburban houses in the suburbs. If you want to live right in the centre of Helsinki, you will often have fewer living quarters than the more remote ones. Helsinki's Lumo rental apartments are located around the city, and there are available rental apartments for single people, couples and families.

Helsinki has many new development areas, but there is also more construction in existing residential areas. Your Lumo rental home in Helsinki can be located in an old 50's traditional stone house, a modern new apartment building or anywhere in between.

There are over 150 Lumo houses and thousands of Lumo rental apartments in Helsinki, so everyone can surely find a home that suits their lifestyle. You can find the available Lumo rental apartments in Helsinki in our web store.

Downtown Lumo Rentals

There are several Lumo rental apartments in the centre of Helsinki. For example, Punavuori, Töölö and Kallio are the most traditional residential areas in Helsinki. Each of them has its own atmosphere that is unique to the place. Kamppi is a service and transport hub located at the heart of central Helsinki.

Pasila is located a few minutes by train from the city centre, and is also a popular residential area for those who want to be near the city centre.

Coastal rental accommodation in Helsinki

Helsinki has many beautiful residential areas in the immediate vicinity of the sea. Kalasatama, Jätkäsaari and Hernesaari are one of the newest housing projects in Helsinki, where there are already several comfortable Lumo rental apartments. In addition to its maritime location, Kalasatama's, Jätkäsaari's and Hernesaari's trump cards are in the immediate vicinity of Helsinki city centre. Sompasaari is another developing residential area right by the sea and near the centre.

Right next to the Helsinki market place is Katajanokka, another charming area surrounded by water. The traditional Lauttasaari Island just south of Helsinki is also a popular residential area, and the nearby Lehtisaari is also a beautiful green place to live near water. You also get to enjoy the sea in Munkkiniemi.

Cozy rental accommodation by the metro line in eastern Helsinki

Vuosaari, the largest residential area in Helsinki, as well as Rastila, Kontula, Itäkeskus, Herttoniemi, Myllypuro and Mellunkylä are located along the metro line in eastern Helsinki. Vuosaari is home to perhaps the most beautiful and sandy and large Aurinkolahti beach in Helsinki, which has the atmosphere of southern Europe.

Other residential areas in eastern Helsinki are for example Roihuvuori, VartiokyläVesala and Kurkimäki. All of these properties in Eastern Helsinki offer Lumo rentals of various sizes in a comfortable environment with good transport links and services.

Green suburbs in central and northern Helsinki

Central and northern Helsinki are attracted by their beautiful parks and good outdoor areas. In addition to the Central Park, the outdoor areas of Pirkkola, Paloheinä and Tali, among other things, provide a wonderful setting for leisure activities for their residents. In central Helsinki, for example, Etelä-Haaga, Pohjois-Haaga, Kannelmäki, Konala and Oulunkylä offer many comfortable Lumo rental homes. There are studios and family flats available.

Popular residential areas in northern Helsinki include Malmi, Tapanila, Tapaninkylä, Tapulikaupunki and Suutarila. The Lumo rental homes along the train track in these areas are popular: not only are the surroundings comfortable, but the transportation to the south as well as to the north is so good.

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