Ylismäenkuja 14

Olari, 02200 Espoo

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There are currently no vacant apartments in this building. However, you can still submit an open application or set a search alert and we’ll help you find a new home.

  • Apartment buildingCompletion 1.9.2023
  • Studios19 pcs3035
    2 bedrooms + k34 pcs5865
    1 bedroom + k7 pcs37,5

Ylismäenkuja 14

Olarin ja Suurpellon asuinkortteleiden väliin valmistui loppukesästä 2023 yhteensä 60 uutta Lumo-kotia. Kohteessa on runsaasti perheille sopivia kolmioita ja pariskunnille tai sinkuille sopivia kaksioita ja yksiöitä. Kodit asettuvat 7-kerroksiseen taloon luonnon lähelle, metsän reunaan. Kaikissa asunnoissa on lasitettu parveke.

Pintamateriaalit ovat näissä kodeissa vaalean harmoniset ja ajattomat. Lattiat ovat tammilaminaattia. Keittiöt ovat valkoisia ja työtasot sekä välitilat ovat marmorikuvioista laminaattia. Keittiössä viimeisen silauksen tekee kullanväriset nuppivetimet. Kylpyhuoneet ovat värimaailmaltaan valko-harmaat.

Yhteisessä käytössä ovat kaksi talosaunaa ja kerhotila, jota voi käyttää vaikkapa oman olohuoneen jatkeena perhejuhliin. Lisäksi kohteessa on pesula ja kolme kuivaushuonetta. Jokaisella asunnolle kuuluu oma erillinen irtainvarasto. Autopaikkoja on saatavilla kannenalaisessa pysäköintihallissa ja erillisessä pysäköintitalossa.

Ympäristöystävällisyys korostuu tässä kohteessa, sillä talo on A-energialuokassa ja kiinteistön tarvitsemaa sähköä tuotetaan osittain aurinkopaneeleilla.

Espoon keskuspuisto ympäröi aluetta useasta suunnasta tarjoten luonnonrauhaa ja monipuolisia ulkoilumahdollisuuksia. Keskuspuistossa sijaitsee myös koirapuisto lemmikkien omistajien iloksi ja lapsia ilahduttaa alueen upea Angry Birds -leikkipuisto. Päiväkoti ja koulu sijaitsevat kävelymatkan päässä. Päivittäiset ostokset sujuvat kätevästi esimerkiksi noin kilometrin päässä sijaitsevassa Suuriksessa, josta löytyy monipuolisesti erilaisia kauppoja ja palveluita. Lyhyen bussimatkan päästä löytyy myös kauppakeskus Iso Omena, josta löytyy kattavasti erilaisia palveluita. Kulkuyhteydet ovat myös hyvät; bussipysäkki löytyy noin 200 metrin päästä ja lähin metroasema muutaman kilometrin päästä Niittykummusta.

Näissäkin Lumo-kodeissa nopea 100 Mbit netti sisältyy vuokraan ja lemmikit ovat aina tervetulleita.

Tutustu tarkemmin kohteen materiaaleihin: Lumo.fi/ylismaenkuja14-materiaalit


Sixty new Lumo homes were completed at the end of summer 2023 and they are located between the residential blocks of Olari and Suurpelto. There are large number of three-room apartments for families, and two-room apartments and singles for couples and people living alone. The homes are in a seven-storey house close to nature on the edge of the forest. All apartments benefit from glazed balconies.

The surface materials in these homes are light, harmonious and timeless. The floors are made of oak laminate. The kitchens are white and the countertop and backsplash are finished with a marble-patterned laminate. The gold-coloured handles add the final touch. The bathrooms have a white-grey colour scheme.

There are two saunas and a club room for shared use, which can be used, for example, as an extension of your own living room for family celebrations. There are also a laundry room and three drying rooms in the building. Each apartment have its own separate storage. Parking spaces are available in the covered parking hall and in the separate parking facility.

This property emphasises environmental friendliness, as the house is in energy class A and the electricity needed by the property is partly produced with solar panels.

Espoo Central Park surrounds the area from many directions, offering the peace of nature and diverse opportunities for outdoor activities. Central Park also has a dog park for pet owners, and children can enjoy the great Angry Birds playground. A day care centre and a school are located within walking distance. Daily shopping can be conveniently taken care of, for example, in Suuris, located about one kilometre away, where you can find a wide variety of shops and services. A short bus ride takes you to the Iso Omena shopping centre, which features a wide range of services. The transport links are also good: the bus stop is about 200 metres away and the nearest metro station is just a few kilometres away in Niittykumpu.

In these Lumo homes, too, high-speed 100 Mbit internet is included in the rent, and pets are always welcome.

  • Building type
    Apartment building
  • Completion
  • Energy rating
  • Asset-limited
  • Elevator
  • Antenna system
    Cable TV (DVB-C): DNA
  • Broadband
    DNA 100 Mbit/s
  • Non-smoking house
    This is a non-smoking building. Smoking is forbidden inside the apartment, on the balcony, and in the common areas of the house.
  • Parking spaces
  • Shared facilities of the house
    Bicycle storage, club room, shared sauna, laundry room, drying room, storage cages, air-raid shelter

By clicking on the service icon below the map, you can see where the services are located on the map. Information is based on data provided by Profinder. Distances to services are measured on the map using straight line distances.


Olari is located in Southern Espoo, north of Länsiväylä, with excellent public transportation connections. As a residential area, Olari is described as a pleasant and peaceful place where the needs of families have been taken into account.

Olari has it all - comprehensive services and good transportation connections

All essential services, such as large convenience stores, a post office, a pharmacy, and several kindergartens, can be found in Olari. To the south of the area is the neighbor Matinkylä, where the Iso Omena shopping center offers a wide range of services to its residents.

Olari is easy to reach by public transport. The trunk route network runs through Olari, taking residents of the area conveniently to Matinkylä metro station. A bus or bicycle also provides easy access to the Niittykumpu metro station. By car, you can quickly get to Länsiväylä, Kehä II and Turunväylä.

Easy access to leisure and outdoor activities in Olari

Espoo Central Park surrounds Olari from several directions, offering the peace of nature and a variety of outdoor activities. There is also a dog park for pet owners, and children will enjoy the area's fantastic Angry Birds play park. Sports and outdoor enthusiasts will also be delighted by the high-quality sports fields and nature reserves in the surrounding area.

Read more about how people living in Olari describe the area.

Lumo homes offer a wide range of rental apartments in Espoo. If you are interested in Olari as an area, you should also check out the nearby Matinkylä rental apartments and Niittykumpu rental apartments.


Espoo is a green city that offers great services and an excellent location. Espoo is located next to Helsinki, by the sea. The city is known as one of the primary business hubs in Finland: many large enterprises are headquartered in Espoo, and the Otaniemi campus is located in the city. In Espoo, technological advances meet green living amidst nature.

Espoo does not have one major centre, but several smaller city centres, which makes it unique as a city. Each city centre has its own fine characteristics that make it unique. Espoo has a diverse range of rental housing, including large family apartments available for rent.

The centres are connected by an efficient public transport network. The West Metro makes it easy to get to Helsinki from Espoo, and there are also convenient connections north of Espoo by train and bus. In addition to this, motorways run across Espoo in both directions.

Spacious housing surrounded by nature

Apartment buildings are the most prevalent type of housing in Espoo. However, the residential areas are not densely constructed, but spacious enough to allow room for breathing. Most of the residential areas in Espoo have great green areas and jogging tracks, all of which are accessible for the city’s residents. The central park covers an area of as much as 900 hectares, and Nuuksio National Park is even larger.

In Espoo, you can live in an urban environment near the capital city, and reach the nearest forest to unwind in wilderness in a few minutes. Furthermore, Espoo has many lakes that give the city an exceptional atmosphere, particularly in the summer.

Lumo rental apartments in Espoo

Espoo has dozens of Lumo houses and thousands of Lumo rental apartments for all different lifestyles. Espoo has available rental apartments for single people, couples and families. Espoo's Lumo homes are located in different neighbourhoods throughout the city, and you can find your own home by the sea, in a quiet suburb or surrounded by services.

In our web store you will find a wide selection of available rental apartments in Espoo. The apartments are available to rent 24/7 and you decide which is the most suitable for you and when you want to move in.

Studio apartments Espoo
One-bedroom apartments Espoo
Two-bedroom apartments Espoo

A rental apartment along the west metro line

The west metro line connects several areas in Espoo to each other and of course to Helsinki. In Espoo there are Lumo homes near metro stations in Kivenlahti, Espoonlahti, Soukka, Finnoo, Matinkylä, Urheilupuisto, Niittykumpu, Tapiola and Otaniemi.

Matinkylä is one of the largest city centres in Espoo. The best-known attraction in Matinkylä is the Iso Omena shopping centre with hundreds of shops and a wide range of services. Next to it there are the charming residential areas of Olari and Niittykumpu. Known as the garden city, Tapiola is a unique mix of urban architecture and green spaces with its walkable centre and many parks. Otaniemi is the home of many students and a lively place to live.

Modern housing in Espoo

Many of the Lumo rental apartments in Espoo are located in fairly new apartment buildings. For example, the residential area of Suurpelto is a modern and innovative area with an underground recycling system that spans the entire district. The Finnoo area, which is being built in Espoo at the moment, is becoming a favourite especially amoung families.

Laaksolahti, on the other hand, has excellent outdoor tracks, and the Lumo apartments in this prestigious area are located in modern and functional apartment buildings. Newer Lumo rental apartments are also available in Vermonniitty and Kivenlahti.

Rental housing near services in the Leppävaara area

Leppävaara is located near the boundary between Helsinki and Espoo, and it is famous for its tower building. Leppävaara is a busy transportation hub with many jobs. Shopping centre Sello attracts visitors from near and far. The residential areas of Kilo, Karakallio and Vermonniitty are located near Leppävaara.

Urban living in the centre of Espoo

Espoon keskus is the most densely populated area in the centre of Espoo. It offers excellent services and fast connections into all directions. Examples of services in the area include the Entresse shopping centre, an indoor swimming pool, sports arena and library. Lumo rental apartments are located in elegant buildings near Entresse. Nuuksio National Park and its excellent outdoor services are also located near Espoon keskus.

Suvela, a residential area bordering Espoon keskus, is home to many Lumo rental apartments. Suvela has its own school and day care centres. The Lumo rental apartments in Tuomarila are located near nature, but also within a stone’s throw of the services of Espoon keskus.

Rental housing near the sea and lakes

Espoo has plenty of coast line, so you get to enjoy sea views in many different residential areas.

Kivenlahti and Saunalahti are pleasant residential areas by the sea in western Espoo. Espoonlahti, Soukka and Tillinmäki are also nice areas nearby and close to the coast.

Haukilahti is a popular residential area more in the east. In Haukilahti you can enjoy jogs along the water, dips in the sea and charming beach cafes. Matinkylä and Nuottalahti with their beaches are also pleasant areas near the sea.

Peaceful suburban life in Espoo

In Espoo there are lots of peaceful residential areas where you can enjoy quiet streets while still being close to services.

Ymmersta is one of the most tranquil neighbourhoods in Espoo. It is located next to Kauniainen and has Lumo rental apartments of different sizes. The residential area of Karvasmäki near Kauniainen offers rental homes in single-family houses in a tranquil environment. Järvenperä and Nöykkiö are other peaceful areas.

Espoo for new residents - things to know before moving to Espoo

Espoo offers versatile living in a metropolitan area, a large city with plenty of forest and lakes, as well as a dense urban landscape. The city is divided into 56 districts, so there is something for everyone. The second largest population in Finland is a testament to this.

It is often thought that Espoo has five city centres, Tapiola, Matinkylä and Espoonlahti along the west metro line, and Leppävaara and Espoon keskus near the rail line. Many other nice residential areas have also been built around these central areas. If you're looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre, one of the areas surrounding the centres could be the place for you.

If you are looking for a rental apartment in Tapiola, you should also check out Niittykumpu rental apartments and Otaniemi rental apartments. If you are interested in Matinkylä rental apartments, you should also consider Suurpello rental apartments and Olari rental apartments. In the area around Espoonlahti rental apartments, you should definitely consider Kivenlahti rental apartments and Soukka rental apartments. In addition to the rental apartments in Leppävaara and Espoon keskus, you should also check out the rental apartments in Kilo, Vermonniity and Ymmersta.

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