Lumo homes

Cat's adventure brought neighbours together

When Loki the cat climbed over the balcony to the neighbour's side, it probably didn't know it would bring new friends together. Now, in an apartment building in Vantaa, two families live next to each other, sharing daily life and parenting, with their doors always open to one another.


In the Lumo building in Jokiniemi, Vantaa, two families became friends by chance last spring: Rachel's, Jake's and Freja'a Loki cat slipped over the balcony railing to the neighbour's side during Freja's birthday party.  

Rachel believes that community spirit is important for everyone.

"I saw Rachel reaching over to our balcony from the window. I wondered what was going on," says Heli, the neighbour, laughing.

Heli's family includes her partner Kasper, their four-month-old baby Vadelma and Kasper's daughter Rauha. They also have a rescue cat Unelma, and her now grown-up kitten Francesco.  

Heli kokee, että lauma tuo turvaa. Siksi on ollut ihanaa saada uusia ystäviä heti seinän takaa.

Rachel quickly fetched the runaway Loki and invited the neighbours to the birthday party. Since then, Rachel and Heli's families have been friends, not just neighbours.

"I hope everyone can trust that a neighbour will help you up if you fall."

The families have a lot in common: both have two cats and daughters of about the same age. Even their sense of humour matches.

Rachel and her daughter Freja.
Freja on iloinen, että naapurista löytyi leikkikaveriksi saman ikäinen Rauha.

"We have such dark humour that we can say anything," Heli laughs.

No need to pretend anything

Nowadays, the families see each other almost weekly, and Heli and Rachel text each other a couple of times a week. They all enjoy spending time at home, so their lives fit well together. The children play together while the adults sit and chat over coffee.

The neighbours' friendship is easygoing. No one expects the house to be tidy or the table set when visiting each other.

Heli and her daughter Vadelma.
Little Vadelma loves songs and rhymes.

"I can open the door for Rachel even with yesterday's makeup on. If there's cake, it's just a bonus, not an expectation," Heli says.

Helping each other is a natural part of their friendship. When Heli went to give birth to Vadelma, Rachel took care of Heli's cats, washed the dishes, and made the bed. Heli, in turn, helped when Rachel hurt her ribs in the stairwell with shopping bags.

Both families have two cats: Rachel's family has Loki and Toki, and Heli's family has Unelma and Francisco, nicknamed Nanu.

"It's a blessing to know whose doorbell you can ring anytime. I hope everyone can trust that a neighbour will help you up if you fall," Rachel says.

Community spirit among neighbours

Rachel and Heli have a lot in common, but motherhood especially connects them right now. Both believe that modern parenting needs more community. It took a village to raise a child in the past, but now many lack the support they need.

Rachel and Freja.
It's a blessing to have support just next door.

"I was very alone when I became Freja's mother. I would have needed someone close by," Rachel says.

Now, Rachel is happy to support Heli during her baby's early months. Likewise, Heli can give Rachel a break and take Freja to play with them.

"The best thing is the feeling of safety, knowing someone who understands is just next door. Rachel and I share a lot about motherhood, and it's been wonderful," Heli continues.

Heli says that becoming friends with a neighbour has been so nice that she has started talking to other neighbours more. You never know where you might find a new friend and a doorbell to ring when needed.

Pets are warmly welcomed as Lumo residents!

Pets are important members of the family, whether big or small. We welcome pets of all types to Lumo homes!

Read more about living with pets

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