
Door 8: It’s time to plan the Christmas party

A shared Christmas party for neighbours is easy to organise and will cheer people up for a long time.


If you would like to, you can easily organise a Christmas party for the building: you agree on a date, put an invitation on the noticeboard in the stairwell and arrange mulled wine, gingerbread and Christmas music for the club room. Even Christmas porridge tastes better when accompanied by conversation, as long as someone volunteers to make it.

If you would like to put on some performances at the party, how about a little chair workout by Christmas elves or a song from a children’s Christmas carol book? Is there perhaps a music enthusiast in the building who would like to perform at the party? Or would you be able to get the youngest residents of the building to do a little dance performance together?

Delegate responsibilities so that no one is unreasonably burdened with party arrangements. If you had a Christmas party last year, why not recycle the tasks from last year? Invite new residents to the planning meeting so that they will also have the chance to get to know the other residents and perhaps offer new ideas for the Christmas party.

Let’s make the wait for Christmas wonderful together!

Share the events of your building on social media with #lumohomes, so that others can see all the nice things that winter and Christmas time in a Lumo home can bring.

Looking for more fun activities for December?

Explore the Lumo homes' Christmas calendar.

Christmas calendar

8.12.2023 (Modified 7.12.2023)

Text Lumo homes

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